Dear TROOP 19:
Below is a group of emails that circulated around members about the time Mr. Hill passed away.
I hope you have time to read before the reunion as it will help promote some great discussions.
You can add any comments in the guestbook above.
Durwood Keller
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Domingue
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Subject: Troop 19 Memories
1. I remember being initiated by drinking BLOOD at Chicot State Park!
2. I remember that wild and crazy game we all loved to play, HOT BALL! I wonder if we could still play that today and outrun the maniacal throws of Mr. Landry and Jerry Guidry.
3. I remember seeing God when I was an 11 year old boy, being swung by the arm over the sea wall in Galveston by Mr. Landry. No wonder I became a priest.
4. I remember The Watermelon Fight at Chicot State Park. pretty much we got each other with rind in the face!
5. I remember The Pillow Fight and how I actually came away with several trophies that believe it or not I still have displayed on my shelf in the Pastor's Study.
6. I remember the belt line in Washington D.C. at some military base. Yes, I was guilty for leaving a load of dirty clothes in the laudromat unattended. Funny, I remember that with such detail. Thank God, I have no anxiety attacks. I'm healed.
7. I remember a leaky tent at Camp Daisy in Arkansas '73 or was it '74. Tonio Cutrera was in the middle cot and his Pringles got all soggy, and Doug Moody and I woke up early in the morning to witness the BIG DRIPPER just splashing on Tonio's head. He never woke up. It's a shame that the movie "O Brother" wasn't out yet, we could have become the "soggy bottom boys."
8. I remember writing my summer camp letter with a knife sharpened pencil on damp notebook paper. "Dear Mom and Dad, I'm having a blast. All my clothes are wet, Love Kenny"
9. I remember the hike in the grand canyon, and the various remarks of our leaders when they saw HUGE crevices in the rock, and how Mr. Landry and Jerry Guidry called them by various phrases they read about in Hustler Magazine. I remember when the phrase G.A.P.O. was coined, "Gorrilla arm pit odor."
10. I remember trying to take a photo of the mountains in Philmont, if I don't have a photo of Dwayne Prejean flipping the bird..... beautiful scenery.
11. I remember Florida, and getting pounded with Jelly Fish in my hair by none other than the dynamic duo, Ray Landry and Jerry Guidry.
12. I remember all the crazy skits we had to put on, and especially the one about some guy trying to deficate behind a blanket, and someone hands him a can of Snack Pack Pudding, while the others sing, "Snack Pack makes pooting a party!"
13. I remember the SPOOK HIKES and how I learned that I could climb a tree in the dark without seeing where I was going.
14. I also remember being scared half to death, practically all the time I had to leave the tent in the middle of the night to take a leak and Dr. Laboomba might GET ME!
15. I remember seeing Dr. Laboomba or was it Dr. Calamine at Thistlewaite in that old house at the entrance of the park. Poverty Point House, I do believe. I think it's a historical sight, and it is, I think I may have left a turd there... eeeeeeeee
16. I remember sliding down a mud slide and splashing Mr. Prejean after he had just finished taking a bath in the river..... "Joe Domingue, come get your son before I kill him!" That was memorable for me, he didn't touch me, thank the Good Lord.
17. I remember William Ritchey teaching us about Poison Ivy and Poison Oak at Mr. Prejean's property, and then realizing that we were sitting in Poison Ivy having our class under the tree that had a climbing strand of Poison Oak. I guess it was a show and tell kind of experience. Which was the pre-requisite for the First Aid Class and the remedy of Calomine Lotion! We were brilliant!
18. I remember Weldon Bares seeing a snake on the trail and came running back to the camp speaking in tongues! No wonder why he became a minister!
19. One more memory, let's see...... Do you remember "Hamburger ala foil?" We were REAL Gourmet cooks out there! Weren't we Randall Rosser????
From: David Domingue
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: RE: 19 Memories
I remember @ camp Daisy in Arkansas when Todd Marcel and I were practicing what we learned in canoe class, flip the canoe and get under it, lift and flip to bring it back to floatation. The only problem was, we were the only ones on the water @ the time! Everyone else was on shore w/ Wayne Prejean(Paddle in hand) Well, ya'll know what a wet bottom paddling feels like,I must of jumped 10 feet when that paddle landed on my rear!! It compares to Oak's paddle @ LHS . In my time I received both!
And if I recall correctly that same night is when I was sleep walking and I remember sitting like an indian watching the moon and then beating up Leonce in his sleep! Sorry Leonce! Too much sun and trying to make water from a rock!
Those rockburgers were good!
David Domingue
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Domingue
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: 19 more memories
1. I remember several monsters infecting summer camp, The Crocopotomus was a favorite during Canoe Class invented by Jack Jenkins and Ted Hingle. The Zan-Zan Monster was a favorite of Robert Theriot and Damian Leger. OF course Hollywood created the Legend of Boggy Creek which we experienced when our bus broke down in Faulk, Arkansas, thus being the Faulk Monster.
2. I remember several initiations, namely the drinking of blood was tobasco sauce; eating the worm was a boiled spagetti noodle, eating the raw egg was a tablespoon of mint jelly, and of course, everyone's favorite initiation was the worship of the great king, "OWA SAGOO SIAM!"
3. I remember the Kangaroo Court in Chicot State Park ''73 when Steve Mills and Jay Duhon were caught looking at a picturesque magazine, (a magazine with no words, since neither of them could read). They were judged by the High Judge Ray Landry and found guilty. Their sentence was "To the Lake, To the Lake, To the Lake, Lake, Lake!"
4. I remember the joys of digging the Latrine, Trashpit, and Grease pit on many campouts. Does anyone remember the dimensions for each? All I can remember is the Greasepit is 1 X1 X1 and cover it with a maze of twigs, covered with leaves. (okay, just take away my Camping Merit Badge! Like I need it now.)
5. I remember watching the patrol leader Greg Hill having the interesting task of burning the trash pit and the strange "Star Wars" sounds that came when you picked up the burning plastic milk jug at the end of a stick.
6. I remember when William Ritchey bought his first truck with a Tape Deck and the whole camp enjoyed it hearing, "You better knock, knock, knock on wood, Baby, you better knock, knock, knock on wood....." He also had the Track to Star Wars! Wow! That was wild!
7. I remember all of the unfathomable scenarios dreamed up in First Aid Class: "How do you fix a person who has fallen out of a tree with a chainsaw, cutting their right arm almost off, and his left leg is broken, and he has two broken ribs? What do you do?" ANSWER- Uhhhh, call an ambulance.
8. I remember attempting to play football with Leonce Fortier and Dwayne Prejean. I found out what a smushed sandwich feels like.
9. I remember Damian Leger imitating Richard Pryor, "What's your name? Dracula? What kind of name is that for a N@#$%&?
10. I remember Matthew Leger, the smartest kid on the planet Earth at the age of 10!
11. I remember Randy and I going into a smoke filled room at the Fireman Training Center to pull out a dummy on a mattress for the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge. All three of us died that day.
12. I remember the Cavalcade of Flags. That was real nice. We really did that well.
13. I remember the SURPISE Uniform Inspections and how I always managed to spill Toothpaste on that blue Presidential Citation Award that we had on our uniforms since we got to shake hands with Vice-President Spiro Agnew.
14. I remember laughing myself to tears at all the antics of Mr. Prejean imitating Inspector Clusoe, "Does your Derg Bite?" and "I've got a BIMP on my head."
15. I remember going to the Methodist Church for Scout Sunday with the troop, and I was the only one genuflecting and making the sign of the cross.
16. I remember going into the Scout Hut smelling the smell of First Aid Iodine, Tent Canvas, and Mold all rolled into one odor in one big warm room with forgotten trophies, ribbon strewn Troop Flags, knot tying charts and Norman Rockwells picture of the scoutmaster on the wall.
17. I remember the work party when we inadvertently burned the metal box of a dozen or so compasses.....eeeeeeeeee..... that was expensive.
18. I remember Mr. Brasseux and Mr. Prejean, and Mr. Leger teaching us how to cook a Mock Apple Pie in a Large Black Dutch Oven. That was great! It's wonderful what you can do with Ritz Crackers!
19. AND I remember when the whistle blew! "Double time, Domingue!" (I sometimes wonder if they would have sent me out to sea, and taken away my birthday had I not gotten my patrol there faster???)
From: Mike Guidroz
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 10:08 PM
Subject: Thanks and more memories
Thanks for the listing of memories, the prayers for Mr. Lee and most of all, your thoughts on the anniversary of my dad's funeral. Cooper told me of your conversation and we appreciate you taking the time to think of us.
I think of all those great leaders we had; Mr. Prejean, Mr. Landry, Mr. Lee, Mr. Guidry, Mr. Brasseaux and even the older scouts that provided leadership for us, Keith Hill, Weldon Bares, Keith Landry, Mitt Fuqua, Carl Gumpert, Butch Cooper and the list goes on. I hadn't much use for leadership and guidance back then, only lookin' to have some fun, but, you come to realize over time that all of those people provided some powerful little lessons and examples along the way.
Thought of a few memories myself:
1. I clearly remember that pillow fight that you won. I had a headache for a day and half after you clocked me into the wall. You deserved those trophies and should display them with pride.
2. I remember getting the boat paddles across the butt, along with Jay Duhon, Steve Mills and John Gumpert, for going around and mooning every other tent at Summer Camp in Arkansas.
3. I remember Bobby Rosser getting caught smoking on a campout and being punished by having to smoke cigars until he turned green and puked his guts out.
4. I remember Jay Duhon getting sent home from Summer Camp for peeing on James Shield from the top bunk.
5. I remember Doug Moody's ability to play any song that we could name on the piano and his endless patience as he played those goofy songs over and over and over.
6. I remember Tonio Cutrera's ability to accompany Doug, with his drum sticks, on each and every one of those songs.
7. I remember the legendary skit that Carrol Hebert's patrol performed "If the Foo Sh!ts, Then Don't Wipe It".
8. I clearly remember making that run down several belt lines.
9. I miss those Hot Ball games tremendously and would be first in line to get a game up today.
10. I remember that Tonio Cutrera hardly ever spoke, but, when he did it was always funny.
11. I remember sleeping under the seats on Mr. Guidry's school bus on the long, long ride to Washington DC.
12. I remember running the streets (or was it only one street) in Gatlinburg acting like we were the biggest men in town.
13. I remember jumping from huge rocks (well they seemed huge then) in Cosecot?? Falls Arkansas into clear cold pools. I remember cutting my foot on a rock and Keith Hill carrying me on his back all the way back to the bus.
14. I remember camping in a gravel quarry on a canoe trip and spending the whole night roaming around and cutting up.
I've been involved in my son's Troop at Fatima for the past four years. He's only a project away from Eagle and I've had a great time with him. We've shared some great trips and I talk of Troop 19 often. Some of the other dads were scouts in town and they remember our Troop well. We seemed to make an impression on people everywhere we went. My son's Troop is leaving on Friday for Summer Camp in Colorado, I'll try to hold up Troop 19's rep.
Thanks again,
Mike Guidroz
-----Original Message-----
From: Louis Guidroz
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 10:55 PM
Subject: Troop 19 Memories
Wow what a surprise!
Thanks Kenny for getting this started- I recognize almost all of the names on the list and these e-mails have brought back many fond memories of a very special time in my life and some great friends that I've lost touch with. Let's see what do I remember . . . . .?
1. I also got sentenced "to the lake" at one of Ray Landry's Kangaroo Courts in Daisy State Park, Arkansas. I was forced to get into the lake and then strip naked and throw my clothes up on the bank where they were placed in a neat little pile. All the while a crowd was gathering including this group of little girls that some of the guys and myself had been messing around with. I think I ran out of the water and got dressed in about 2.7 seconds flat. Hey the water was cold and well, you know.
2. Most people don't believe I rode to Washington D.C and Los Angeles on a school bus- Mr. Guidry's #88. The same bus I rode to LHS until I could drive.
3. Yea, I remember the Hot Ball games too- that was fun! I remember how funny it was when somebody got hit in the nuts and they would crumple to the ground in pain.
4. While at Philmont on our way to LA, Rene' Delhomme and I along with some others looked up from base camp at the Tooth of Time and said, "hey, let's run up there real quick." I learned later in life that coming down, much less going up, from the Tooth to base camp is a difficult 1/2 day hike. Anyhow, we never made it, and on the return trip, Rene' and I got separated, and lost, and we thought we were gonna die! We bushwacked down the side of the mountain towards the lights and finally made it- alive.
5. Why rub sticks together when you've got Coleman fuel. I recall someone got a gallon of fuel on fire- they set the can down and a very small flame was buring out of the spout and very much under control. Louis Baudoin, one of our older more experienced scouts, came running and yelling "get out of the way!!!!" He kicked the can over and, "whoooosh," Coleman fuel and fire went everywhere. Thank God we had a couple Firemen around.
6. Durango Colorado- Buffalo Burgers- "I think I'm gonna be sick."
7. I remember kicking ass at Camporees and Scout-O-Ramas. I think we got over the wall in 27 seconds.
Well, I could go on for days. I was fortunate enough to have a son and work with his troop for many years. We made 2 trips to Philmont and he made Eagle in '98. He is now a Senior at the University of Alabama in Mech. Eng. and is also recently engaged. He's still living at home with me. My daughter lives in Ft. Walton beach and has 3 little ones- yep, I'm a grandfather.
We moved from Lafayette in 1984 and after a few years in Jackson, MS, moved to Tuscaloosa, AL in 1990. I have worked for Energen Resources, an oil and gas company, since then. My life was going exceptionally well until this time last year when I lost my wonderful wife of 23 years in a car accident. She had her own construction company and was well known, respected, and loved in her business. But most of all she was just a great person- you know, one of those people that you meet one time and walk away feeling like you've known them forever. She was a sweetheart to say the least. I thank God every day for giving me that time with her.
My prayers are with Mr. Lee and Miss Roxy, Keith, Ronnie, and Greg and their families.
I would like to hear from all my old buddies on the list- please write and let me know what you've been doing the last 25-30 years. Let's get everyone we can on the mailing list and let's keep in touch! Thanks again Kenny.
Louis Guidroz
From: Capt Bob Rosser
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 11:22 PM
Subject: RE: More 19 memories
OK…..I got one………(I really remember A LOT…now that the memory has been refreshed! WHY is my butt HOT???)
Scout-O-Rama-Fire Safety Demo…Mr. Prejean was showing us what not to EVER do with a Bic lighter and Hair Spray. COOL!
The flame went about two feet! I remember going home that night and trying everything under the kitchen sink, literally, and then it was out to the garage! By the way, WD-40 with the extension tube is hands down the winner AND it is a great wasp killer too!
NOW I know why my Butt is hot……… still burns because Ray Landry saw my paddle touch the ground at Shady Lake!
The very best to all of you from the LEFT Coast! Capt B
From: Robert Rosser IV
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2004 12:47 AM
Subject: Troop 19 Memories
Oh Louis......the memories start to flow! Please allow me to add to your list alittle!!!
Wow what a surprise!
Thanks Kenny for getting this started- I recognize almost all of the names on the list and these e-mails have brought back many fond memories of a very special time in my life and some great friends that I've lost touch with. Let's see what do I remember . . . . .?
1. I also got sentenced "to the lake" at one of Ray Landry's Kangaroo Courts in Daisy State Park, Arkansas. I was forced to get into the lake and then strip naked and throw my clothes up on the bank where they were placed in a neat little pile. All the while a crowd was gathering including this group of little girls that some of the guys and myself had been messing around with. I think I ran out of the water and got dressed in about 2.7 seconds flat. Hey the water was cold and well, you know.
****I remember that one!!! it really was a world record dressing!!!!!
2. Most people don't believe I rode to Washington D.C and Los Angeles on a school bus- Mr. Guidry's #88. The same bus I rode to LHS until I could drive.
****Remember driving into Rustic Canyon in Los Angeles that night in Mr. Guidry's bus? How close to the edge we were making those hairpin curves? And when we finally got down there, they told us don't unroll our sleeping bags until we were ready to go to sleep because of the rattle snake problem they were having?
3. Yea, I remember the Hot Ball games too- that was fun! I remember how funny it was when somebody got hit in the nuts and they would crumple to the ground in pain.
4. While at Philmont on our way to LA, Rene' Delhomme and I along with some others looked up from base camp at the Tooth of Time and said, "hey, let's run up there real quick." I learned later in life that coming down, much less going up, from the Tooth to base camp is a difficult 1/2 day hike. Anyhow, we never made it, and on the return trip, Rene' and I got separated, and lost, and we thought we were gonna die! We bushwacked down the side of the mountain towards the lights and finally made it- alive.
****I believe Jack and I were with you guys on that one.... not sure how we got separated, but I remember getting into trouble (again) for not telling anybody we were going up, and you guys getting back after dark! We saw deer though remember?
5. Why rub sticks together when you've got Coleman fuel. I recall someone got a gallon of fuel on fire- they set the can down and a very small flame was buring out of the spout and very much under control. Louis Baudoin, one of our older more experienced scouts, came running and yelling "get out of the way!!!!" He kicked the can over and, "whoooosh," Coleman fuel and fire went everywhere. Thank God we had a couple Firemen around.
6. Durango Colorado- Buffalo Burgers- "I think I'm gonna be sick."
****I was one of the fortunate ones (one of two) that didn't get sick. I actually slept in Mr. Hill's car that night I think.....have to ask Dad about that one.
7. I remeber kicking ass at Camporees and Scout-O-Ramas. I think we got over the wall in 27 seconds.
****To this day, I STILL brag about our Troop kicking ass where ever we went and in what ever we did! You can, to this day, talk to men our age that were in other troops in South Louisiana during that time, and they remember us!
Louis......I will be in touch. Sorry about your wife....very tragic for you my friend. It has been way too long since we have talked.
Your children have done well, and our age is definitely showing looking at YOUR life Grandpa! HA Myself, I have been married for 14 years and have two boys...... of course, my OLDEST son Robert Rosser V is turning 5 next month! Jesse is 2! Might not make the Grandfather thing but I have my fingers crossed!
Working for the Navy in San Diego since 1992, but I can tell you more about that later. Currently out at San Clemente Island and need to get alittle rest before work tomorrow. Funny, I came up to my office to get something done tonight, but I have pretty much just spent the entire evening reminiscing and smiling about days gone past.
Good memories....every one........Good night to all.
Louis, please stay in touch!
Capt B
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Domingue
To: Mr Prejean
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:58 PM
Subject: Dear Mr. Prejean,
Wednesday, June 30th, 2004
Basile, Louisiana
Dear Mr. Prejean,
This is a note to let you know how much I appreciate what you did for me as a young Scout in Boy Scout Troop 19. As you know, I was very excited to have seen you at my Priesthood Ordination on June 22nd, 1991 at St. John's Cathedral in Lafayette, La.
As Mr. Lee Hill who taught us many Merit Badges, suffers with cancer in Lourdes' Hospital, I can't help but to remember all the many memories of the Troop 19 Scout Leaders. So, I find myself writing this letter to you, our Scoutmaster to let you know what a GREAT JOB you did in the many lives of the young Scouts who have passed through your Troop to become good Christians and upright American Citizens.
If it wasn't for you and Boy Scout Troop 19, I would have never ventured out on my own to see the Nation's Capitol at Washington D.C., and much less have been able to have hiked one of God's many wonders, the Grand Canyon! Because of you and Troop 19, I have a greater appreciation for the outdoors and have many good memories of Camping trips, Hikes, and Camp Fires past.
As an adult, I look back upon my life, and truly I am appreciative of all that you and Boy Scout Troop 19 have done for me.
Sincerely from the bottom of my heart,
Thank You, Eagle Scout Kenneth Domingue
Awarded September 26th, 1979
Fr. Ken Domingue
----- Original Message -----
From: Ken Domingue
To: Mr. Ray Landry
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 11:11 PM
Subject: Dear Mr. Landry,
June 30, 2004
Basile, Louisiana
Dear Mr. Landry,
Just a note to let you know how much I appreciate you and all that you have done for me in the Boy Scouts Troop 19. With Mr. Hill languishing in the hospital with cancer, it makes me think of all the leaders that made a good impression on me throughout my life. I remember all the efforts that it took for you to teach a young boy to stand up on his own two feet and do for himself in the world.
I know that you were proud of me at Nonc Allie's funeral, and even though, Public Speaking comes fairly easy for Joe Domingue and his sons, still, Troop 19 taught me how to communicate ideas in simple terms for others to understand. So, actually you had something to do with that. And you Mr. Landry speak very well in front of people, as you demonstrated that night at Nonc Allie's Wake Service. You haven't changed a bit. And you are greatly appreciated for all that you have done for me as a young Scout.
Prayers and Thanksgiving,
Fr. Ken Domingue
From: Ken Domingue
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 7:46 PM
Subject: I visited Mr. Lee Hill today
Thursday, July 1st, 2004
Basile, Louisiana
Dear Fellow Troop 19ers,
I had a pleasant visit with Mr. Lee Hill today. He is very excited to see me, and he was very excited to hear that many of us are communicating again by means of electronic mail. He is so very excited about that, and of course, I bring him several of your emails with me to leave with him to enjoy.
But, if you would like to write to Mr. Hill, yourself, just simply write your letter to him and then email it to Keith Hill's address
and Keith will print your letter and bring it to him at the hospital when he goes everyday. That'll work! As you know, he has many memories, and today, he was remembering how the elephant ate Herbert Billings Camera at the ZOO that we visited years ago as part of our Summer Camp, not too sure which one, most probably, a ZOO during the California Trip in 1977.
Mr. Hill is very talkative, so much that Miss Roxy and Keith and I had to leave the room while the nurse was giving him his breathing treatment, otherwise he would try to talk the whole time he was getting his breathing treatment. I tell you, HE IS A TROOPER!!! and he gets excited when he gets company and hears from the many people who love him. And of course, he tires easy. But, he does want to talk.
He really wants many of us to get together and have a Troop 19 Eagles and Troop 19 Alumni Reunion, Like a Class Reunion. And that's mainly what he was talking about today. He told me that his grandson, Brandon? (not sure of his name), along with Keith Barras, Weldon Bares, Mike Guidroz, Louis Guidroz, Randy Rosser, and others, have expressed the same sentiment, it's just a matter of Where, When, How, and What to get it together. (I suggested the United Methodist Church Basement, But, he said, that all that Basement area has been closed in to make offices..... Bummer!!! No room to play HOTBALL!!!). He did say that we would need a banquet hall to fit at least 300 Scouts and their wives, and family members!!!! And of course, we would want to plan this a year in advance for the guys living outside Louisiana to make their plans to attend. So, there it is. It's being talked about. And I definitely plan to help his grandson and Keith Barras and Weldon Bares when they call upon me to help with the project. That'll be great!!!! And I am sure that many of you have the same sentiments.
(And it would be a SURPRISE for Mr. Prejean and Miss Judy. Which is why this email is not sent to them or Dwayne or Shawnee, or for Mr. Landry for that matter).
While I was there, we prayed to The Lord to continue to watch over Mr. Hill, and to send his Holy Angels to watch over him, and to send the Holy Spirit to continue giving them encouargement, consolation, love, and joy... that Mr. Hill will be healed in body, mind, and spirit, and that The Lord will continue to bless him and his family with love, joy, and peace that only God can give... The peace that surpasses all understanding.
Please KEEP PRAYING for Mr. Hill. He is really outliving the Doctor's expectations for the 5th Week!!!! That's a miracle.... It's all in God's time, and it is all in God's hands.
Prayers and Thanksgiving, Kenny Domingue
----- Original Message -----
From: Wayne Prejean
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 7:18 PM
MR. P.
From: Ken Domingue
Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 8:03 PM
To: Scoutmaster L. Wayne Prejean; Mr. Ray Landry; Mr. Willis Hebert; Joe & Lou Domingue; Robert & Marion Rosser; Rev. Weldon Bares; Rev. Bob Cooper; Craig Andrew; Keith Barras; Eddie Bruce; Robert Bruce; Silas Bruce; Warren Bares; Brian Baudoin; Herb Billings; H Billings; Paul Billings; Carl Castille; Brian Cox Walker; Principal Guy Causey; Riis Christensen; Betty Cooper; Vicki Cooper Petitjean; Ruffin Cordell; Tonio Cutrera; David Cutrera; Bubba Domingue; David B. Domingue; Floyd Joey Domingue; Kenneth Domingue; Dean Duhon; Lowell Duhon; Leonce Fortier; Mitch Fuqua; Mike Guidroz; Louis Guidroz; Carl Gumpert; John Gumpert; Kevin Hamm; Kurt Hamm; Carroll Hebert; Carl E. Hebert; Gary Hebert; Brandon Hill; Greg Hill; Keith Hill; Ronnie Hill; Durwood Keller; Damian Leger; Matthew Leger; Glynn Marcell; Tim Marcell; Rev. Shawn Marcell; Keith Michalk; Doug Moody; Keith Pepper; Richard Ritchey; William Ritchey; Captain Bob Rosser; Randall Rosser; Bill Russell; Rev. James Smalley; James Smalley; William Stringfield; Robert Theriot; Roseanne Theriot McMinn
Subject: Mr. Hill's funeral attended
Dear Fellow Troop Nineteeners:
Today was a very heart felt day. This Tuesday morning (7-27-2004) in Delhomme Funeral Home Chapel on Bertrand Drive in Lafayette was the Funeral of one of our Scout leaders, Mr. Lee Charles Hill who died at the age of 74. The Reverend Weldon Bares officiated at the American Flag draped closed casket ceremony. Mr. Hill's grandson, Brandon shared his reflections of his grandfather very well, from his days of being read Dr. Suess to the days of all of his "Papa's" story telling of campouts and hikes.
A soloist sang "I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses..." She sang the beautiful hymn like an angel, and I know for myself, my heart was filled with emotion and caught in my throat. Mourners lifted their eyeglasses to wipe away tears. It was that beautiful of a song. I was called up to the pulpit to recite The Shepherd's Psalm 23, "The Lord is my Shepherd there is nothing I shall want..." I prayed the Psalm slow to let the Holy Word console our suffering souls on this difficult day.
Then The Reverend Weldon Bares spoke well of how Mr. Lee Hill taught many young people about being good Christians, and good American Citizens. In particular Weldon remembered when Troop 19 was Summer Camping in Arkansas, and took many of the Scouters into an open field. He pointed out the stars and constellation of stars with a flashlight to many of us. That night, Mr. Hill was in such awe of God's Creation that God had created (Psalm 8, "What is mortal man that God should think of him?") And to this day, Mr. Lee Hill is still "a shining light pointing the way beyond the sky into Heaven." And that Miss Roxy, Keith, Ronnie, and Greg have learned from this man all their lives, but in these past weeks, Lee Hill was still teaching them
something new, teaching them "how to die; putting their faith in Jesus Christ and how to die with courage, not cowardly deaths, but how to die believing in God and to die to this world with courage." And Rev. Weldon said that the next step is that we have to commend Lee to The Lord. Give Lee Hill back to God his Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier. Then, Duane Delhomme asked all the family to remain in the Chapel, while all the friends would go to their automobiles for the procession to the Cemetery in Ebeneazor, near Crowley, Acadia Parish, Louisiana. Please continue to pray for Mrs. Roxie Hill, Keith, Ronnie, and Greg and all of their families during this time of testing and pain. Please continue to pray for the family in their pain.
Peace and Patience,
Ken Domingue
Please forward any information to me you would like to add here.